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NFT is the future: what opinion leaders think about them.

NFT is the future: what opinion leaders think about them.

Everybody has been talking about them everywhere you turn on the web. So…what is all the fuss about?

What’s been happening in the market?

Since last year there’s been a huge boom around the NFT discourse due to a renewed interest in the possibilities – not only of crypto currencies – but also of the potential this new tool holds.

In October 2020, the artist known as Beeple/Beeple Crap (born Micheal Joseph Winkelmann) has sold his digital work “Everydays: the first 5000 Days” as the highest paid Non-Fungible token in. The work was sold for the equivalent of $69 Million (42, 329 Ether in terms of the currency used in these spaces).

We can easily see why NFT is hot news these days.

What do opinion leaders think about NFT?

We have to keep in mind NFTs are fairly new and undiscovered territories, so it’s understandable that some may be very skeptical and cautious about them. However, many respected figures – such as the marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuck – strongly believe NFTs are here to stay and will be the future.

According to Vaynerchuck – just like the internet revolution in the 90s and that of social media in the 00s – “NFTs will go down in history as one of the most significant things to happen in modern technology and culture at large”.

Not only influential people are realizing the potential of this new way of creating art, trading, collecting. Artists all over the world have built a strong and always growing community, where like-minded people are unveiling what it means to re-think art in a way that is not limited by any material, technical nor economic means. The non-fungibles will be the art of the future.





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  • carla mesber
    June 6, 2022, 4:52 pm

    Hello ,
    I am reaching out regarding your page about NFTs here: nftnotfungibletoken.com/2021/04/26/what-the-opinion-leaders-think-about-nft-future/
    Maybe it’s just me, but it took months before I fully understood what they are and how they work.
    I found a few resources online that really helped me figure everything out, and one really stood out. It was clear, understandable (even for people who know the nothing about crypto), and it taught me a lot. I can now read additional resources (like yours) with a lot more context.
    Here it is if you want to take a look: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/nft-guide/
    I highly recommend you add this valuable resource to your page, as it will come in handy for people who want to learn more or venture into the world of NFTs.
    I’m sure your readers would appreciate it a lot.
    Best regards,


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